Carole’s September Blog

Still time to pledge to cycle to work this Weds., Sept. 14, and be in line to win prizes! Follow the link under ‘Latest news’ on the Welcome page of the website. Only one day left to sign up!

As you might have seen in the local paper, the Woking Bikathon will no longer be put on by the Rotary. They have raised a large amount of money for different charities over the past five years but the number of entrants have been in decline.

Also it looks like we are loosing two cycle shops in Woking. Action Bike is closing their Woking branch although they will still be in Addlestone. Also I am a little late in seeing that Switchback in Woking closed last April. They are now affiliated with Giant in Guildford (the bike shop in Knaphill has also closed – Editor).

On to more upbeat matters. Our all day ride is coming up on 2 October. This year we will be starting from Winchfield station and doing a circular route around Hampshire. There will be a few hills but lovely quiet country roads and views. We will be stopping in Odiham for coffee, The Four Horseshoes Pub in Long Sutton for lunch and tea in Hartley Witney before catching the train back to Woking. The circular route is about 25 miles but those who would like a longer ride, can join the “break away” group led by Norman, from Crookham Village back to Woking. This is about 17 miles. If you want to join us please send me an e-mail and let me know and I will send further details.  Those wishing to go my train, we intend to get the 9:46 from Woking. Those going directly to Winchfield should aim to be there by 10:10.  We would like to know numbers so we can tell the pub how many we will be. If you would like to see the ride, you can see the route here.

Our easy afternoon ride will be this Sunday, 18 September, leaving the leisure centre near the children’s playground at 2PM. We will be heading to Whitfield common with tea at Rokers.  A very gentle ride of about 15 miles. May we put in a request that if you join us a on a ride would you please bring a spare inner tube. It is much easier for us to replace an inner tube than repair one. Thank you.

There is a some news on the Muddy Lane campaign but I will do another e-mail about that since I would like to send it to all those who have supported the project.

Pub night is Tues. 27 September.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost