Carole’s October Covid-19 Blog
Dear All,
This is the usual time that I announce the end of our easy Sunday rides and start to think about our Christmas dinner. How a year changes everything! We are all in tier one or two so it is still possible to go for a ride outside with a few friends. Maximum six.
I would also like to bring to your attention the Government’s consultation on the revision of the Highway Code. You have until 27 October to let your views be known. .
You can submit your response either online here or by emailing
To see what Chris Boardman thinks follow this link:–fundamental-reset–of-Highway-Code-0?utm_campaign=1577105_Membership%20inside%20track%2019%2F10%2F20&utm_medium=email&utm_source=British%20Cycling%20V2&dm_i=480K,XSWH,1OCIM2,47BVE,1
Pub night continues on the last Tues of the month. This month it is 27 October at 7PM [Please contact Carole for the Zoom link].
And the meeting login (not needed if you use the link above)
Meeting ID: 871 5480 8439
Password: WCUG
Happy cycling and stay safe,
Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary