Carole’s May Blog

Dear All,

Wonderful weather so I hope everyone has been able to get out for a little…or long… ride.  If you want to do some charity rides, there is a link on our website for a few we know about, plus a link to a charity that might still have places for the Ride London.

We will be holding our  AGM on Monday 12 June at 7:30 at Old Woking Community Centre, Sundridge Road, Old Woking, GU229AT.  This is right next to Woking College off Rydens Way.  Enter by the main entrance as the hall we are booked into is on the upper floor above that entrance. Come and tell us what is on your mind. I really regret to announce that our treasurer, Richard MacCutchan,  has had to relinquish his role due to so many other commitments.  So HELP we need a new treasurer. All those who are interested (pray there is at least one person ), please contact me by email and I will have Richard send you an email describing his roll. He assures me it isn’t too onerous. We want to thank Richard for all his work over the years and also his help on our Sunday rides, which we hope he will still attend.  Attending the rides is not a prerequisite to being the treasurer I hastily add. We could also use a recording secretary who would take the minutes of the AGM.

We have received an invitation from G-Bug to attend one of their open meetings  at Guildford Borough Council offices (Millmead House, Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BB) at 6pm on Tuesday June 6th. They will be having two guest speakers  Clare Rogers from Enfield Cycle Campaign and  Paul Gasson from Waltham Forest Cycling Campaign. Both of these groups have made some significant changes occur in their areas to make the streets safer for everyone. A link to their invitation and more about their aim can be found on the link on our Webpage.

We heard from Les Bowerman that the  Charlotteville CC Cycle Jumble Sale is to be held on 8th July at Ripley Village hall. Once again all information on  our Webpage.

For those who have been members for a long time and remember Ian Wright who led the group for so long, he is back on the waterways in his narrowboat Leo and started this year’s blog on his adventures. To follow him go to

Sadly for those who have been members of our group for a number of years, you may remember Hillary Griffiths. Unfortunately she lost her battle with leukaemia on 2 May and will be buried at Clandon Burial  on Wed. 17 May at 12 noon.

Bike week is 10-18 June. There is a web page if you want to check out rides in different locations.  The Guildford G-Bug group are sponsoring their annual Around the Hog’s Back ride on Sunday 11th June, it departs at 9:30am from the Guildford Borough Council Car Park, Millmead, Guildford, GU2 4BB. It is free and suitable for all ages and abilities. A link to their ride is on our Webpage for more information and the address to let them know if you are joining them.  It will be a nice way to get to know members of the G-Bug group.

We will be having our monthly ride at the end of Bike Week,  18 June but before that, we will have our May monthly ride on 21 May meeting at the Leisure centre at  1:45 for departure at 2.

Pub night will be 30 May at The Sovereigns on Guildford Road, starting at 7:30.

I am sure I have forgotten something…. oh yes, it is May so I suppose the title of this “matters” should be “Dues are dues” Still only £5 for a year and £20 for 5 years. Our year strangely runs from 31 May to 31 May. As a member you can take out affiliated membership for Cycling UK (formerly CTC) for £24 and receive 3rd party insurance.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

WCUG membership secretary