Carole’s June Blog
Our AGM was held on 16 May and the full report on the meeting is published on our Web page under Useful Information. Norman’s petition to convert the A245 from Byfleet and Cobham into a shared pedestrian/cyclist path has attracted 194 signatures as of today. He will be going before the local committee at the end of June. The petition stops on 12 June so you still have a few days to sign it if you haven’t already so.
A new member, Keith Cresswell, has started work on a new campaign close to the heart of a lot of our members regarding making a pedestrian/cycling lane along the A3 between Mill Lane and Wisley Lane. You can read about that also in the report on the AGM.
Good news on the Muddy Lane issue. We received an e-mail from Catherine Valiant saying her report was going to the Planning and Regulatory Committee on 8 June with the recommendation that a Map Modification Order be made to change the status of the footpath to a bridleway. You can read her full report by following this link Planning & Regulatory Committee; her report is item 8. It makes interesting reading. We have no doubt there will be an objection and it will have to go to a public inquiry but at least we are moving along.
Bike week is June 11 to 19. Our ride on 19 June will be part of this event. To find out other events around the country and see how you can win prizes by taking part in the ride to work challenge programme go to
George James will be leading a ride to London on 12 June to celebrate the Queen’s 90 birthday. The theme will be prince and princesses. Sign up for his e-mails at
Our long afternoon ride will be 3 July, leaving at the same time from Woking Park but a longer ride and a later return.
Pub night will be 28 June.
Happy cycling,
Carole Frost