Carole’s July Blog
Dear All,
Hope you are not getting too hot on your rides! Take lots of water.
We hear the cycle scheme is sponsoring the ride to work this year with the possibility of winning a Ridgeback bike. Here is a link to the information I received:
Reading the Neighbourhood watch reports lately it is alarming to see so may bikes being stolen. With that in mind, I hope you remember that there will be bike marking and registration on Saturday 29th July 2017 at West Byfleet Live between 12pm- 5.30pm at West Byfleet Recreation Ground, Camphill Road, West Byfleet, KT14 6EG
28, 29 and 30th of July is the big Prudential Ride London weekend. The Grande Prix will take place on Friday, then there will be the free cycle on Saturday along with the Brompton World Championship and the Prudential RideLondon Classique which is the richest women’s one-day race in professional cycling. Sunday starts with the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 for charity riders followed by the world’s best cyclists battling it out at the Prudential RideLondon-Surrey Classic. On Sunday you don’t even have to go far to see the riders pass you. This year they have also added a sportive (remember, it’s not a race!) comprising a 46-mile route. You can read all about the above on their Website:
If you want something a little more gentle, you might like to join us on our easy social ride this Sunday 16 July starting from near the children’s playground in Woking Park leaving at 2:00.
Pub night is 25 July at the Sovereign’s.
Happy cycling,
Carole Frost
WCUG membership secretary