Carole’s February Blog

I hope the weather will improve soon and we can all be back on our bikes without having to wear ski clothing!

I was hoping to announce progress on the Muddy Lane saga but I fear our case officer was out of the office when I e-mailed her so that will have to wait till next time.

I thought I should warn you that the towpath will be closed between Boundary Road Recreation Ground and Monument Bridge to allow the work to the Rive Ditch culvert to be undertaken safely. The suggested alternative route is via Boundary Road and Monument Road. The rest of towpath through the area of the drain down in Woking will remain open as usual. This will be happening during Feb/March

Our Easy Social rides will be starting in March. The first one will be 20 March starting at the Leisure Centre at 2PM. These rides are about 14-18 miles long.

Our ride for more experienced cyclists lead by Chris Jeggo will be on  6 March starting from the bandstand in Woking Park at 9:15. This ride will be about 45-50 miles. See our Website for more information.

The Ride Social organized by Sky Rides will be on 20 Feb. and 5 March leaving  Sheerwater  Recreation Ground at 1:30. These rides are about 15 miles long.

Breeze rides for ladies only are on 3 March and 17 March starting at 9:30 from the bridge by the Bridge Barn.  These rices are about 15 miles. You can sign up by following the link on our Web site.

George James from the Elmbridge cycle group is having another one of his “fairly interesting Easter Egg hunt ride” on Easter Sunday 27 March. The  start will be from the Hand and Spear Pub by Weybridge Station at 10:00. It is a lot of fun and last year the winners were one of our own, the Smith family. The ride involves following clues around the area and collecting numbers. It finished around 1 with prizes for the winners and then you can stay on to have something to eat at the Hand and Spear if you wish. No need to sign up, just arrive on time.

Norman Johns, our chairperson  has secured a place in the Surrey 100! He will be riding for Well Child and we will put his just giving page up in case anyone would like to help him reach his sponsorship goal.

On a completely different subject, we have decided that pub night will go back to starting at 7:30 instead of 7:00. If anyone has had objections please let me know. The next pub night will be next week 23 Feb. at the Sovereigns on Guildford Road.

Happy cycling,

Carole Frost

WCUG Membership Secretary