Carole’s April Blog
Dear All,
A lot of consultation has been going on in regard to the M25 Junction 10/A3 and two members went to a workshop regarding this. I copy their reports here Workshop-reports since I think they will be of interest to all.
In regard to our usual matters, we had to cancel our first ride of the season (first time that I can remember) due to snow! So our first ride of the year now will be 15 April leaving from near the children’s playground in Woking Park at 2PM. The contact number should you need to contact the ride leader will be Norman Johns 07761 221310. May the sun shine and may it be a nice day.
I don’t know how many have seen the plusBike started by National Rail. Many of us like to take our bikes by train to the start of an adventure and PlusBike is a one-stop shop for information about your combined cycle and rail journey. To find out how to use it, go to
I sent out an email (see below – Editor) a few days ago reporting on the successful campaign to get an off road route along the A245 from Cobham to Byfleet.
Also a reminder that the public enquiry regarding Muddy Lane will be 22 May 2018 at the Council Chamber, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL starting at 10 a.m.
Lastly, pub night will be 24 April at the Sovereigns pub starting at 7:30.
Happy cycling,
Carole Frost
Membership secretary