Carole’s January Blog

Dear All,

Seems a bit late to be wishing everyone a Happy New Year but this is our first communication of the year. So Happy New Year! I hope you are all ready for a fun cycling year.

Norman has been busy on our behalf trying to get a safe route for walking and cycling between Chobham and Woking. He went to two public meetings to put the case forward. One was to the Surrey Heath local committee which I fear wasn’t too successful although since the meeting he has made some progress with interested parties.  He then attended the Woking Local meeting and they voted almost unanimously (only one dissent)  to support the idea BUT it was the usual addendum….. “When Transport funding is available”.

He has also had a site meeting in regard to the cycling problems in Woking town centre/Victoria Arch area during the town rebuilding. Here is what was decided: “ The bollards separating the High St bus stop area  [near to Victoria Arch] from the walkway will be moved onto the road in order to reintroduce the wider pedestrian route This will cover the newly painted cycle route markings which cannot be extended down to the junction yet. An additional large road sign has  been located on the Police Station side of the Victoria Arch so as to tell the drivers  that they are entering a zone where they cannot pass cyclists (like the sign as one enters the narrow road section leading from the town side of the Victoria Arch).

On the opposite side of that road section, the cycle way signage and lines are all but obliterated and covered in surface mud. This, and further bollards on this side, will be given attention. Here I am not sure if SCC will act or WBC act on their behalf.

Regarding Muddy Lane, we have received confirmation that the public inquiry regarding Surrey County Council requesting a map modification order to change Muddy Lane to a bridleway will be held on 22 May 2018 at the Council Chamber, Woking Borough Council, Civic Offices, Gloucester Square, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6YL starting at 10 a.m. If you would like to attend and especially if you wish to give evidence, you should let me know so I can tell Daniel Williams, who is the SCC officer in charge.

Highways England have decided on the preferred option in regard to the M25 junction 10/A3 improvement scheme. To read the proposal please follow this link  then the consultation link and finally the preferred route announcement leaflet. They will be having the public consultation sometime in early 2018.

We need more people to lead our rides this year  so if anyone can see their way to helping out with this, would they please let me know. We are going to have a roster and can provide routes for those who are interested. The rides are held monthly from March to October on the third Sunday of the month, leaving Woking Park at 2 pm.

Pub night starts again next Tuesday 30 Jan. at the Sovereigns pub on Guildford Road from 7:30. We had a very nice Christmas dinner and the Sovereigns did a fine job of serving us. Thank you to Sandra for getting it all organized.

It is a pity  our Pub night happens to be  on the same night as the invitation from G-Bug to attend their open meeting. It starts at 6pm at Guildford Council Offices, Millmead. Sgt Phil Dix of Surrey Police Road Policing Unit will present on how the unit is endeavouring to protect cyclists and other vulnerable road users.

Here  is hoping the weather improves soon.

Happy cycling

Carole Frost