Carole’s November Blog
Dear All.
I see Cycling UK has us down as a campaigning group. This email will seem to agree with that!
First. I would like to thank everyone who signed our petition regarding a safe cycle and pedestrian friendly route from Chobham to Woking. This petition has met the relevant criteria to be considered by the Local Committee (Surrey Heath). The meeting on 30 November will be held at St Michael’s Church, 286 London Road (A30), Camberley, GU15 3JP and will begin with informal question time 6-6.30pm. The meeting officially starts at 6.30pm. The meeting should be finished by 8.30pm and there is no obligation to stay for the full meeting. The Committee will consider the petition at the meeting. Since we had over 100 signatures, Norman will be able to speak. You are more than welcome to attend and listen to the debate if you would like . The second meeting will be at Woking Council Offices on 6 December, same time frame.
Second. We have heard regarding The Surrey County Council Upgrading of Footpaths No. 129 Byfleet, 3 Wisley (Part) and 566 Wisley to Bridleway Status Definitive Map Modification Order (That is Muddy Lane to most of us) . The motion was passed in the local committee but since there were objections, it had to be sent to the Secretary of State for confirmation, now the Order is to be determined by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State. This leads us to a public inquiry. We have been offered 22 May for 2 days for the inquiry. Once the date has been made definite Daniel Williams and Catherine Valiant, Surrey County Council Countryside Access Officers will decide who they will be calling as witnesses. Daniel says he is hoping that he can get a good cohort of witnesses along. His normal practice is to call users as witnesses where possible. Once we have the date, if you would like to be a witness perhaps you can email me so George and I can pass your name on to Daniel.
Third. I have a request from Keith Cresswell who is also very active in the Byfleet, West Byfleet and Pyrford Residence Ass. “Could you bring to members’ attention the following:
Any comments would be welcome specially from residents in the east of the borough.”
This is in regard to your view on the implementation of a 20MPH speed limit.
Next. Norman had a fruitful discussion with those who came to the last pub night regarding Tube maps. They have a plan! He was happy for the input from Nigel Burke from the G-bug group.
Last. Norman received an email as part of the consultation on the proposals to improve walking, cycling and horse riding infrastructure around the A3 / M25. The proposals seem to relate to plans to create a sustainable new community at Wisley Airfield and did not seem to be the same as the one the Highway commission had last December. Having looked at it, our main concern was that there was still no way to cycle from Ripley to Wisley Lane safely.
I hope that is all the campaigning issues for the moment. Our social rides are finished for the year and won’t start again till next March but we have one more pub night for this year. It will be next Tues 28 November at the Sovereigns . We will not have pub night in December so the next one will be at the end of January. Christmas dinner is 7 December for those who have signed up starting at 7 PM at The Sovereigns, Guildford Road, Woking.
I will let you know what transpires in regard to the Norman’s safe route from Chobham To Woking.
Happy cycling and please be sure to light up your bike at this time of year so you can be seen. With the low sun it is even a good idea to keep your lights on during the day.
Carole Frost