AGM Minutes 2018
AGM minutes 2018
Annual General Meeting 18th June 2018
Norman Johns (Chair), Carole Frost, Chris Jeggo, Barbara Rossouw, Robin Hamilton, Val Wye, George James, Julia Warner
- Welcome
Norman opened the meeting by welcoming those present to the meeting. Copies of the Agenda, Minutes of the last AGM and Annual Accounts were distributed.
- Apologies
Apologies were received from: Sandra Lee, Annette Covey, Keith Creswell, Peter Spreckley
- Minutes of last Year’s AGM and Matters arising
The previous year’s minutes were approved.
- Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
- Chairman’s report
Thank you for those members who have worked to enable us to achieve a great amount in the last year.
Annette – for the work to get parking stopped on the combined off road route opposite to the Civic offices on the A320 route to Ottershaw. An update is that the spaces between the bollards are to have planters installed, in which trees will be grown to a suitable size for planting out in the open ground.
Carole & George – Muddy Lane Update please
Barbara & Carole – for the work to spread the Sunday Cycle Leader role to other capable leaders.
Jointly the group members petition of an off road route that the Elmbridge Council was persuaded to improve between Byfleet and Cobham which was completed in March this year – Having used it a number of times, I recommend that you all do as it really does get a cyclist off road from Byfleet village to the River Mole Crossing in Cobham.
The town centre upheaval for pedestrians and cyclist was highlighted in the local press recently when the council stated that cyclists were to be issued with Yellow Cards and the police were to be on hand to deal with cycling in certain areas of the Town Centre.
Having been warned of the council notice and follow up tip off from Carole, I did an interview with a reporter from Woking Advertiser. Subsequently it was possible for me to get an appointment with the council manager responsible. The outcome of our meeting is uncertain.
There has been a problem with high speed adults cycling in the common areas. However the officers have really no problem with cyclist using cycles in a sensible considerate way.
I raised the fact that the national cycle route in the town centre have all been done away with and the road crossing at the Victoria Arch is dangerous as the 4 second pedestrian crossing allocated time is not satisfactory. I understood that they would see if improvements can be made before the completion of the works, which are years away. No feedback from the council to date, am proposing to write to the newspaper to report the future liaison between the cycle group and the planners.
Out of the meeting we now have a new arrangement where the council will, in future liaise with this group in order to ensure that any future proposed alterations to the cycle network will assist and not make more problems for cyclists. Initially Steve Millard and I are to have a meeting with planners in September. One aim will be to get installed proper cycle routes from the Chobham Road site to and from the Rail Station.
- Presentation and Approval of Accounts
Chris presented the accounts and explained the income is less due to paid up memberships of 5 years
- Membership Secretary’s Report
We have 32 paid up memberships representing 58 adults and 10 children. I have sent out the “dues are due” letters . I send out that WCUG matters to everyone whose email I have so a lot of people who aren’t even members get it. Due to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) I asked everyone who would like to be removed to let me know. I have had a few replies and even one who asked us to keep then on the email even though they are not members. I reminded everyone that to keep the affliliated membership with the Cycling UK , which provides third party cycling insurance, they have to keep their membership with us current since we have the code they need to use.
Sunday cycle rides
We had rides on the third Sunday of every month from March to October last year. There are usually 8-10 on a ride. I fear I was pretty useless last year due to my accident but I am so thankful Norman was able to lead most of the rides. This year we have asked for more volunteers to lead rides and I am thankful we had a good response. Last year our all day ride went to Denbies vineyard . For the first time in my memory we actually had to cancel the first ride of this year due to the visit of the Beast from the East!
Karen Smith suggested for a change we attempt a treasure trail. She was aware that Ralph Brown, one of our members, has done these before so she has asked him to prepare something. I am helping him. We intend to do in for the August ride. We will have to have a prize or two so I will be asking Chris for a little money.
I posted our Bike Week ride on the Horsell “interest me” web site and will see if I can figure out how to put our rides up on the Woking “interest me” site. The library doesn’t seem to want to put up our rides any more.
A3 Junction 10
This is still very much a work in progress. They have decided on Option 14. The public consultation on the proposed plans were from 12 Feb until March 26, 2018. Norman and I went to the public exhibition and filled out a questionnaire. The final decision has not been made. They are putting in a bridge from Wisley Lane that crosses the A3 and then goes down to the Ockham roundabout. I hear that Wisley is not happy with the proposed access to the A3…. they will have to go over a bridge, down to the Ockham roundabout and then gain access to the A3 going north. I am not quite sure how you will go south. I think you will have to go through Ripley and access the route south from near Send or go back to the M25 roundabout. They are putting a non-motorized route from Ockham roundabout to the junction with the A245 near Cobham. There was a problem keeping this on the side of the airfield because it was too close to the lake. I suggested they put a pontoon over the water for that brief section. Norman said that they are suggesting that cyclists coming from Ripley, cross the Ockham roundabout, go up the dedicated non motorized route which is on the side of the new road/bridge for the road going over the A3 to Wisley, then there will be a bike path going up that side of the A3. The cylists would then cross over the horse bridge near the entrance to New Lane and then carry on up that side of the A3.
There was a non-motorised user design workshop for the M25 junction 10 Wisley interchange improvement scheme held in March 2018. Keith Cresswell and Norman went to it. Norman said they were thinking about cylists and trying to make provisions.
Keith had commented after going to the consultation: The planners have given no thought to cyclists safety at the Ockham junction (particularly for users from Ockham Road North or Portsmouth Road to the new Wisley Lane) and as currently drafted will result in a cycle death at some stage from cyclists going across the end of the off ramp from the A3. This could be addressed by extending the non-motorised users path slightly to join with Ockham Road North and then continuing to the Portsmouth Road allowing cyclists to go the “wrong” way round the roundabout for 15 and 30 degrees respectively rather than 345 and 330 degrees as proposed as well as crossing on and off ramps to A3.
Norman said, after going to the workshop, he thought what they were proposing would provided a safe crossing for cyclists. I think they were putting in some type of crossing.
George and I said having to cross over the A3 twice would be difficult for some leisure cyclists.
Norman also informed us that the airfield development plan had been refused by Guildford.
- Website
- Robin thanked George for hosting the website
- Current and future issues.
- George James reported on the progress of Muddy Lane: .
Some five years after the original application was made, the saga of Muddy Lane continues. Following the appeal and objections to the Map Modification Order a Public Enquiry was called. The Enquiry started on May 22nd at the Civic Offices in Woking. There was a good turnout of supporters with about eight members of the public giving witness to the Inspector about their use of the lane. The witnesses were cross-examined by the two objectors with the main thrust of their questioning relating to the presence of No Entry signs at each end of the lane. The objectors presented some last minute evidence concerning the construction standards of the M25 underpass, arguing that the path does not meet the Highways Agency standards required for a bridlepath and so the route cannot possibly be given bridleway status now. Surrey County Council, who are the main defenders of the Map Modification Order, requested that the hearing be suspended while they examine this fresh evidence. It will be resumed at some time, to be arranged, within the next 12 months.
- Election of Officers
Nominations were invited for the committee, there being none:
- Norman Johns was confirmed as Chairman
- Carole Frost as Membership Secretary
- Chris Jeggo as Treasurer and General Secretary
- Any Other Business
- Nothing was raised
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.00
Barbara Rossouw
Committee Member