AGM minutes 2017
AGM minutes 2017
Annual General Meeting 12th June 2016
Norman Johns (Chair), Carole Frost, Chris Jeggo, Barbara Rossouw, Robin Hamilton, Val Wye, George James, Richard MacCutchan, Ralph Brown, Francis Jacques,
- Welcome
Norman opened the meeting by welcoming those present to the meeting. Copies of the Agenda, Minutes of the last AGM and Annual Accounts were distributed.
- Apologies
Apologies were received from: Sandra Lee, Julia Warner, Keith Creswell, Peter Spreckley
- Minutes of last Year’s AGM and Matters arising
The previous year’s minutes were approved.
- Matters arising
There were no matters arising.
- Chairman’s report
There is little for me to report as the agenda covers all of the challenges in the last 12 months.
My special thanks go to Carole, Robin and George for their support.
Richard has been a model treasurer, I am sorry that he has needed to hand over the baton.
I feel that we have been working well to support and promote cycling in the UK.
- Presentation and Approval of Accounts
Richard responded to Carole’s query regarding the “miscellaneous” on the accounts. This paid for the drinks at the Christmas party. Richard asked if the accounts needed to be audited and it was agreed that this was unnecessary. Chris Jeggo kindly agreed to take over as Treasurer and the accounts were handed to him and he and Richard agreed to meet for a handover.
- Membership Secretary’s Report
- Membership: We have 27 paid up members representing 52 adults and 12 children
- Sunday Rides: these average about 10. Norman has been very good on leading rides and Robin assisting when Carole was unavailable. Out long afternoon ride was to the Medicine garden in Chobham.
- Longer Rides: Chris Jeggo’s led a few long rides last year but had no definite plans for this year. If he decides to do one, we will announce it by e-mail to our members. Robin Hamilton organised our all day ride through lovely quiet roads around Hampshire, starting from Winchfield station. It was well attended and a breakaway group cycled back to Woking from Crookham Village
- Website
- Robin thanked George for hosting the website
- Robin asked for GPS routes for rides for website
9. Current and future issues.
George James reported on the progress of Muddy Lane: Catherine Valiant had completed the report and sent it to the planning and regulatory committee. It was approved 8 June 2016 but then there were 8 objections. One section of the Lane’s ownership is unknown so this had to be addressed and therefore the appeal was to go to the Secretary of State in late May. The elections have slowed things down further. Richard said that in his role at Wisley Church he has seen the owner of Banyan Cottage putting leaflets on cars in the car park stating his objections to the modification order. His concern seems to be motorcycles using the bridleway.
- Junction 10/A3: All we wanted was a safe way to get from Ockham roundabout to Wisley Gardens and to repair the path between Old Lane and the bridge over the A3. They did cut back a few trees on that route but nothing has been done about the pavement. Keith Cresswell contacted Highway England regarding both of these requests but was told that because of plans for a major project on the junction of the the M25 and A3 no minor adjustments would be forth coming. Consultations were held between 5 Dec and 6 Feb. which several of us responded to. This summer (2017) they will announce the preferred route. Thereafter another public consultation on the approved route will be held in 2018. Work will start 2019/2020 and it will be open to traffic 2022-2023. Martin Taplin from G-Bug suggested up grading of exisiting bridleways and footpaths across the M25 Junction. Carole showed a copy of his suggestion. Doug Clare also from G-Bug suggest they provide a more direct route by funding a superhighway from the Ockham roundabout to the Cobham junction including access to RHS Wisley and Pyrford. They understand that the road is to be constructed to Expressway standards and therefore that a segregated two way cycle lane must be provided
- Station Road, Chobham: Norman said we need to find a councillor on our side. It is a matter of reinstating a worn out footpath rather than upgrading to a cycle path. A SurveyMonkey poll of parents at Chobham School showed strong support for this scheme.
- A245: Norman reported on his attending the meeting with the council which he went to with George. The Council wanted to move street furniture and put up signs but Norman replied saying all they wanted was dropped kerbs.
- High Street Woking: Road open for buses and cyclists
- Footpaths/Footways/Pavements: were discussed
- Space for cycling road show. Norman reported on attending this event. One of the outcomes was that we were encouraged to make “tube maps” of cycle routes in Woking. George and Norman said they would do this when they could find some time. Probably in the autumn..
G-BUG meeting 6 June 2017: Carole reported on attending this meeting in which G-Bug had invited people from Walthan Forest and Enfield who had been given £30 million by government to make their districts “mini-Hollands” and explained how they approached the project. They said they had to approach their goal by saying they were making the streets safer for all (not just cyclists). Then they concentrated in ‘joining villages’ if you want to read their story google ‘Waltham Forest cycling campaign’ G-Bug wishes to apply the lessons learned to Guildford to make their streets safe for cycling.
- Election of Officers
Nominations were invited for the committee, there being none:
- Norman Johns was confirmed as Chairman
- Carole Frost as Membership Secretary
- Chris Jeggo was confirmed as Treasurer and General Secretary
- Any Other Business
- George announced that his Elmbridge next ride would be on July 9th which is a all day ride to Shoreham on the Downs Link with the train back.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 21.00
Barbara Rossouw
Committee Member